Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fair game

J- and I have always watched the foods we give Tatertot. We (mostly J) expose her to a wide variety of foods. She enjoys "Hotel California Rolls" along with numerous other foods most preschool age kids won't eat. Encouraging a healthy assortment of food has been a priority for us to instill in her. Candy and desserts were treats that we offered, but not provided everyday.

That said...

I have had to throw ALL candy out or make sure it is not within eye shot of her. Candy that had previously sat on the counter for months is now fair game for the taking. Caramels from Christmas, that are as hard as a rock, are now tasty morsels to be devoured. Hidden in closets are wrappers by the hand full.

Now I guess I have to wait for her to get the thirst for soft drinks.....

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