Friday, September 12, 2008

Conference call with USCIS

Yeah!! FINALLY!!

All Thahn Hoa field investigations have been completed.

We were told by Deputy Officer of USCIS that, as of yesterday, all of the cases that have filed I-600's had been completed. What great news!!

The only concern J-and I have is that Coung was found by a family from a different province. That means the USCIS may need to send someone to that province to talk to the person/family that found him. We do have that person's name and address, so that is a good thing. USCIS told us we could hear about our case by next Friday or first of the following week.

This afternoon, J-is personnally calling USCIS to discuss our case and the issue we have with the person being from a different province.


Teri said...

OMG!! That is wonderful news!!


Dawn said...

That is fantastic!! I hope this is it!!!

Colleen said...

I still can't believe it!!!

PAP to one of Nate's orphanage buddys - ha ha

Anonymous said...

Woo-freaking-hoo!!!! I am so happy for you and all the other families waiting on little ones from Than Hoa! This is fantastic news!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news!!

waiting for Lincoln